Monday, March 14

Suzy Homemaker?!?!

Well, I had my first ever sewing experience (as an adult, with a machine) a week ago!  I LOVED IT!!!  Our twin nieces turned 3 at the beginning of the month and I decided to make them some aprons for their 'dress-up' box.  My mom was a HUGE help.  She's the one who gave me the idea to make them.  She's only made like 20 in the past month!  The hardest part of the whole thing: picking out the fabric!  It's so overwhelming at the fabric store, but I'm pretty sure I came out with the perfect choices for the project!

Cutting out the pattern

First time at the machine! scary that first time putting the foot on the pedal!

Ironing/preparing the hem

What's a little sewing without a bottle of wine to celebrate this momentous achievement?!?!

 Machine sewing complete!!  Just have to add some hand sewn detailing.

With aprons, it's all in the detailing!!

My completed aprons for twin 3 year old girls!

I'm addicted, and so VERY proud of myself!!!!  All I need now is TIME.  I don't own a sewing machine, so I have to go over to my mom's to continue doing projects.  That's o.k. though, I still need her just a few feet away from me when I'm at the machine! 

Right now, my mom is making dresses for the girls.  Maybe some day soon, I'll graduate to dresses.  Right now, I'll stick with aprons!