Tuesday, May 31

Preschool Graduates

Well, summer has officially begun at the Young's!!  Max and Molli both finished preschool last week.  We celebrated their successful year with a class picnic for each of them!

Molli with her teachers, Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Pigott

Max at his Graduation, diploma in hand, and his teacher Ms. Kreiman

Well, now we have 4 year old preschool and Kindergarten to look forward to after summer is over:)

Sunday, May 15

15 Months

 Little miss 'thing' is growing, growing, growing!!  We are slowly but surely entering the toddler stage.  She recently had her 15 month check-up, and here's how she looks:

Miley's Stats
Height: 30 inches (37%)
Weight: 20 lbs. 14 oz. (21%) - the doc was very pleased with this:)

and here's what she's doing:

Fun Facts
~ 8 teeth (4 top, 4 bottom)
~ no more bottle:)
~ one nap a day
~ shows attitude when she doesn't get her way by laying on the floor and kicking
~ talks all of the time!!  you typically can't understand her, but she is constantly carrying on a conversation, maybe with someone, maybe with herself- who knows!
~ says many words, some more clearly than others:  momma, dadda, sissy, Nanie, Papa, Batta, bye, hi, oh man, hat, ball, outside, mower, boot, book, eye, ni-night
~ has an attitude already
~ loves being chased by brother and sissy
~ is a Daddy's girl
~ loves to play outside
~ will not eat any sort of veggie:(
~ eats any and all of fruit she is given
~ enjoys listening to music
~ has a very dramatic attitude (I feel like I've mentioned this before?!?!)
~ thinks she's a big girl sometimes and 'walks' down the stairs - she is quickly re-routed to turn around and go down on her belly!
~ likes to try-out/wear all styles and sizes of shoes

She is such a cutie patoot!  Miley tests mommy's patience more often than not, but I know this is just a stage:)  Before we know it, she'll be out of a crib, out of diapers, and speaking sentences (that are understood!).

Thursday, May 5

Early Mother's Day Celebrations

At school this week, Max and Molli's classes had special Mother's Day celebrations!  It was so nice to be able to attend, by myself, and be one-on-one with each of the big kids.

Molli's Mother's Day Tea was on Wednesday.  Molli and her classmates walked into the classroom wearing the gift they made for their moms!  TOO CUTE!!!!  They sang 3 lovely songs, of course all about mommies!  Molli was the loudest singer!!  After the serenade, we had tea, strawberries, and muffins!  Molli poured my tea and served me the muffins that the kids had made a couple of days before at school.

Max's Mother's Day celebration was today.  He sang a couple of songs and then he gave me my gift and we enjoyed cookies and juice!  He was really excited about the party all week.  Max was a really good secret keeper because I had no idea what his songs were or his present.  Both kids did an excellent job keeping things a secret!

I LOVED having this separate time with my big kids!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the special moms out there!