Little miss 'thing' is growing, growing, growing!! We are slowly but surely entering the toddler stage. She recently had her 15 month check-up, and here's how she looks:
Miley's Stats
Height: 30 inches (37%)
Weight: 20 lbs. 14 oz. (21%) - the doc was very pleased with this:)
and here's what she's doing:
Fun Facts
~ 8 teeth (4 top, 4 bottom)
~ no more bottle:)
~ one nap a day
~ shows attitude when she doesn't get her way by laying on the floor and kicking
~ talks all of the time!! you typically can't understand her, but she is constantly carrying on a conversation, maybe with someone, maybe with herself- who knows!
~ says many words, some more clearly than others: momma, dadda, sissy, Nanie, Papa, Batta, bye, hi, oh man, hat, ball, outside, mower, boot, book, eye, ni-night
~ has an attitude already
~ loves being chased by brother and sissy
~ is a Daddy's girl
~ loves to play outside
~ will not eat any sort of veggie:(
~ eats any and all of fruit she is given
~ enjoys listening to music
~ has a very dramatic attitude (I feel like I've mentioned this before?!?!)
~ thinks she's a big girl sometimes and 'walks' down the stairs - she is quickly re-routed to turn around and go down on her belly!
~ likes to try-out/wear all styles and sizes of shoes
She is such a cutie patoot! Miley tests mommy's patience more often than not, but I know this is just a stage:) Before we know it, she'll be out of a crib, out of diapers, and speaking sentences (that are understood!).