Saturday, August 27


Wow.  I can't believe this day has come.  Our Max is officially in Kindergarten!  He was very excited to start school this year.  There were so many things to look forward to at the 'big school': recess, gym class, lunch, library, being with cousins, going to mommy's school, new friends, and being there ALL DAY!

The whole family took Max to school on his first day.  We gathered on the playground and saw many familiar faces - friends from last year, cousins, and teachers that mommy had!  Max was a little overwhelmed with all of the people (mom too!) and got a little shy, but he stayed strong!  When the bell rang, Max got lined up and we all walked into the classroom.  He hung up his backpack and found his seat.  He found out that he sits at the same table as a close friend from preschool last year!  We stayed for the morning prayer and then said our goodbyes!  I was a bit teary-eyed, but seeing my buddy so strong helped ease my uncertainties.

Max feels so proud to be in Kindergarten.  We have to pull information out of him at the end of the day about what he did at school, but that is typical of Max!  Once he gets started though, he is full of stories.  He seems to really be enjoying it.  We knew he would:)

Friday, August 5

Living with Nature

Our family has recently been watching a nest of baby Robins on our front porch.  The momma conveniently made her nest in one of our hanging ferns outside our front window.  I was too scared to get close enough to water the plant, so it hung there and slowly died.  But the life inside it was growing!!!  Three babies hatched and it was so fun to watch the momma come and feed them throughout the day, their long necks stretching to get food!  Within about a week, they were out of the nest, flying off to start a new home somewhere else:(  They got big SO FAST!  The kids and I miss peeking out the window to watch them everyday.