Our baby is 4 months old already! We just had her check-up with the pediatrician and found out how big she is getting!
Miley's Stats
Height: 24 1/2 inches (61%)
Weight: 13 lbs. 15 oz. (59%)
Head Circumference: 16 1/4 inches (60%)
Fun Facts
rolling over - back to belly, belly to back
sleeping on her belly
eating cereal, about every other day
drinking 4 oz. bottles (breastmilk), when mommy's not around
eats her fingers, constantly
reaching for toys
plays with toys on her belly
trying to put her plugger in her mouth all by herself
working on going 'ni-night' all by herself
giggling at brother and sister when they run up to her
goes to bed sometime during the 7 o'clock hour
likes to see mom (eat!) during the 3 o'clock AM hour!
wakes for the day during the 6 o'clock hour
typically takes 3, 1-2 hour naps during the day
She is at such a fun age, and only getting more fun as she gets bigger:) The big kids are interacting with her more and more, and helping mom 'babysit' her! She's our 'chunkers'!!!!