Monday, June 28

Getting Crafty

I have always enjoyed doing crafty things.  I would not classify myself as being creative, just a 'copy-cat'!!  If I see something and like it, I try to figure out how to do it on my own.  These are some pics of my most recent hobby:)

Molli Magoo's first pair of flip-flops:)

Made these for my little sister for her birthday!

My little sisters are on the North Otters swim team.  These go great with their swim gear!



Pool Time

I took the big kids to the pool for the first time this summer on the SUPER HOT weekend!  Daddy stayed home with Milers while I had some much needed quality time with Max and Molli.  Our kids have not had any swimming lessons and they tend to 'freak out' when water gets in their eyes, so I was curious as to how this little trip would go!

The kids LOVED IT!  They were everywhere and, of course, in opposite directions!  A little challenging for momma, especially with the pool being so busy, but we managed!  As time went on, the kids became more brave.  They did the little kid slides, walked under the waterfall, walked through the sprinklers, and even got on their hands and "swam" (floated!) in the really shallow water!  We haven't reached the point of putting our faces in yet:)  Next time, they want to try a different pool!!

Friday, June 25

Molli's Railroad Track

This morning, as I was showering and getting ready for the day, Molls was a 'busy little engine':

The 'tracks' started in the kids' bedroom.......

out the door, to the hallway......

down the hallway, through the sea of dirty laundry.....
(Friday is laundry/change bed sheets day at the Young house!)

and ending in Mom and Dad's room!

This kept her occupied for about 45 minutes!  She placed every book, one-by-one:)  Our little engineer!

Tuesday, June 22

Chunkey Monkey

Our baby is 4 months old already!  We just had her check-up with the pediatrician and found out how big she is getting!

Miley's Stats
Height: 24 1/2 inches (61%)
Weight: 13 lbs. 15 oz. (59%)
Head Circumference: 16 1/4 inches (60%)

Fun Facts
rolling over - back to belly, belly to back
sleeping on her belly
eating cereal, about every other day
drinking 4 oz. bottles (breastmilk), when mommy's not around
eats her fingers, constantly
reaching for toys
plays with toys on her belly
trying to put her plugger in her mouth all by herself
working on going 'ni-night' all by herself
giggling at brother and sister when they run up to her
goes to bed sometime during the 7 o'clock hour
likes to see mom (eat!) during the 3 o'clock AM hour!
wakes for the day during the 6 o'clock hour
typically takes 3, 1-2 hour naps during the day

She is at such a fun age, and only getting more fun as she gets bigger:)  The big kids are interacting with her more and more, and helping mom 'babysit' her!  She's our 'chunkers'!!!!

Wednesday, June 16

Magoo turns 3!

Our Molli Magoo is 3 years old today:)  She said to me at lunch, "Mom, I'm 3 now.  I get to go to preschool!"

I can't believe how big she is!  She seems so old for her age.  It must be the 'attitude' she has;)  Seriously, though, she is a sweet little/big little chica!

To celebrate, we had my family over for lunch, cupcakes, and ice cream:)  YUM!


Saturday, June 12

Early Birthday Celebration

Our Molli Magoo turns 3 in a few days!  It was promised to her months ago that she could go to Build-A-Bear for her birthday.  This was a special trip, with Grammie and Grampy!  Oh, what fun they had:)


Let's pump it up!
Dressed, pretty in PINK


Molli and her new puppy, Carly, going on their first 'walk' together!

and of course, no celebration is complete without a YUMMY TREAT!!!!!!


Thanks Grammie and Grampy<3

You're never too young.....

to surf the internet!

Wednesday, June 2

Wednesday Lunch Date

Our kiddos have the privilege of spending time with great grandparents.  One that we see often is our Grammie!  She likes to visit our crazy house on a weekly basis, usually Wednesdays!  And when she walks through the door, she usually carries something extra special........McDONALD'S!!!  The kids love to meet her at the door and help her carry in the sacks of food and put it on the table.  It's always: chicken nuggets, apples with caramel dip, french fries, Hi-C, and a toy.  Grammie and I choose to eat a more 'sophisticated' meal of salad:)  We all enjoy our lunch together at the table while Miley joins us in her bouncy seat next to my chair on the floor.  Grammie concludes her visits with us by watching Thomas the Tank Engine with the kids.

Thanks for feeding us!  We LOVE your company!



Memorial Weekend Fun

We had a pretty relaxing long weekend here at the Young household.  Saturday we whipped out the swimming suits for the first time this season.  Daddy purchased a Slip n' Slide for the kiddos to try out.  There was some slippin' but not much slidin'!!  Daddy even put on his swim trunks and tried to show them how it's done:)  Quite a sight!!  Too bad I didn't get that on video!  It will be a little while until they get the concept.  Especially Max, who seems to be afraid of getting wet.  He warmed up to the idea after a while.

  Here's a video of the kids "racing." 

Of course, Max had to win.  He had a hard time letting his little sister get to the finish line first.  We had my mom and a few of the siblings over for a cookout dinner that night, with some more slip n' slide fun! 

Sunday was a day at home, mowing and watering the thirsty lawn.  That night we went to a Graduation dinner for our nephew, Conor.  He's officially a freshman in high school!

Memorial Day was spent playing outside.  Mike and Max brought out the baseball and bat.  Max did some awesome hitting!  He is a natural 'lefty.'  Daddy was pretty impressed with his skills!  Max just told me today that he wants to be a baseball player and hit the ball:)  Future Cubbie maybe?!?!?!  I got to finish out the day with a movie, Sex and the City 2, with my mother-in-law and a couple of sisters-in-law!

We hope all families enjoyed the nice, HOT, long weekend together<3