Monday, June 28

Pool Time

I took the big kids to the pool for the first time this summer on the SUPER HOT weekend!  Daddy stayed home with Milers while I had some much needed quality time with Max and Molli.  Our kids have not had any swimming lessons and they tend to 'freak out' when water gets in their eyes, so I was curious as to how this little trip would go!

The kids LOVED IT!  They were everywhere and, of course, in opposite directions!  A little challenging for momma, especially with the pool being so busy, but we managed!  As time went on, the kids became more brave.  They did the little kid slides, walked under the waterfall, walked through the sprinklers, and even got on their hands and "swam" (floated!) in the really shallow water!  We haven't reached the point of putting our faces in yet:)  Next time, they want to try a different pool!!

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