Wednesday, August 18

Do the Zoo

Proof that the summer has gotten away from me......I finally got the kids to the Zoo for the first time this year:)  I had the afternoon free, help from Grammie and my cousin Maddy (visiting from Oregon!), and the weather was perfect!  The kids really seemed to enjoy it a lot more this year.  Of course, both will say the train was their favorite.  They did enjoy the fish and birds too!

A Child of God

Milers has had such a momentous week!  This past Sunday, she was baptized at Sacred Heart, our new church 'home!'  She was asleep for about the first half, then woke when water was poured on her head!  Miley's godparents are her cousin, John Robert and her Aunt Meg!  We enjoyed a scrumptious breakfast with both sides of the family before mass to celebrate this special occasion!
Milers in the full ensemble
(check out the cute bracelets!)

Aunt Meg

Johnny Rob

Family <3


.....our baby is 6 MONTHS OLD already?!  Where has the time gone?  She is such a big girl.  So much has happened/changed since her 4 month update!

Miley's Stats
Height: 25 1/2 in. (43%)
Weight: 15 lbs. 11 oz. (46%)
Head Circumference: 17 in. (72%)

Fun Facts
got her 1st TOOTH on her 6 month birthday (8-10-10)
got her 2nd TOOTH a week later! (both are on the bottom)
sitting up without support, tipping only once in a while
army crawling to anything/everything
takes 3 naps a day, ranging in length
last meal of the day in the 6 PM hour
goes to bed for the night in the 7 PM hour
wakes in the 4 AM hour to eat, typically goes back to sleep
up for the day during the 6 AM hour
has a new friend, Gavin, who is 2 months younger than her (a new daycare child)
loves having her bottom patted to go to sleep
sleeps with at least 2 pluggers in her bed (one in the mouth, one in the hand)
loves touching/eating/looking at people's toes
sits in a little chair to eat
has really become a 'momma's girl'

Miley has yet to move to baby foods.  I want to make my own, but haven't had the motivation to prepare them yet.  That's my goal for the weekend.  I'm excited for her to try the good stuff!

Congratulations Milers!  You've come a long way in a HALF a YEAR!

Saturday, August 7

A New Trick

Miley is ALL OVER THE PLACE!  She army crawls to wherever/whatever she wants:)  The new thing is to crawl into the bottom of the Exersaucer and out the other side!  Such a big girl!

"Watch this mom."

So proud!  She made it to the middle!

The Swing Set is Full

Last night we pulled out the baby swing and put it on the swing set.  Miley is so close to sitting up on her own that we thought she'd be ready to swing outside with big brother and big sister!  She really enjoyed it.  Molls wanted to help push, but Miley is still a little wobbly, so just mommy and daddy can push her right now:)

"Momma, I swingin"

Checking out the world around her

 No more open swings

Friday, August 6

Mom and Dad Time

The 'heads of household' got away for a MUCH NEEDED vacation!  My mom (Nanie) was gracious enough to be 'momma' to our kids while we were gone:)  Thanks so much, Mom<3

We went to Vega$ for a long weekend.  We've vacationed there three years in a row now, each time staying in a different hotel!  This time around, we went with some great friends, Nicki and Jason.  They are parents of two young boys and had only been to Vega$ once (for a wedding and with their kids) so had never really experienced the city!  We stayed at the Monte Carlo Hotel and Casino, located in the center of the strip.  We spent our days lounging at the pool and our nights exploring the city.  We walked the strip, took a cab to Fremont Street, went to a Cabaret show, gambled (and lost!) in a few casinos, and fine-dined!  The trip was SO relaxing......the perfect vacation!

I love Vega$: the sights, the sounds, the smell.  It's just an awesome city and a great atmosphere.  We'll definitely go there again!  The real question: where will we stay?!

Nicki and I in front of the Monte Carlo

Poolside, baby!  
Can't forget the cocktails:)

Some FINE dining!

In front of the fountains at Bellagio

Just in case I didn't already mention it, our vacation was FABULOUS:)
Now back to reality!