Friday, August 6

Mom and Dad Time

The 'heads of household' got away for a MUCH NEEDED vacation!  My mom (Nanie) was gracious enough to be 'momma' to our kids while we were gone:)  Thanks so much, Mom<3

We went to Vega$ for a long weekend.  We've vacationed there three years in a row now, each time staying in a different hotel!  This time around, we went with some great friends, Nicki and Jason.  They are parents of two young boys and had only been to Vega$ once (for a wedding and with their kids) so had never really experienced the city!  We stayed at the Monte Carlo Hotel and Casino, located in the center of the strip.  We spent our days lounging at the pool and our nights exploring the city.  We walked the strip, took a cab to Fremont Street, went to a Cabaret show, gambled (and lost!) in a few casinos, and fine-dined!  The trip was SO relaxing......the perfect vacation!

I love Vega$: the sights, the sounds, the smell.  It's just an awesome city and a great atmosphere.  We'll definitely go there again!  The real question: where will we stay?!

Nicki and I in front of the Monte Carlo

Poolside, baby!  
Can't forget the cocktails:)

Some FINE dining!

In front of the fountains at Bellagio

Just in case I didn't already mention it, our vacation was FABULOUS:)
Now back to reality!

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