Sunday, November 28

3/4 of the Way There!

Our baby is almost 1......9 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days to be exact!  She recently had her 9 month doctor's appointment and everything checked out great!

Miley's Stats
Height: 27 1/2 inches (49%)
Weight: 18 lbs. 1 oz. (37%)
Head Circumference: 17 7/8 inches (87%)

Fun Facts
a total of 4 teeth (2 top, 2 bottom)
pulling herself up to anything/everything and "cruising" along things
climbing stairs
waves good-bye/hello (we think she kind of says "bye" and "hi" too)
gives open-mouth kisses <3
loves to dance
very curious about the world around her - she points at EVERYTHING and in her own language says "what's that?"
primarily eating table foods
naps 2 times a day
drinks a formula bottle once a day, the other feedings still come from momma:)
can stand alone for a few seconds
chooses NOT to sleep through the night yet:(

So much more fun in store for our baby!

Friday, November 19


Molls let momma play with her hair one morning this week!  I had to purchase a new hair straightener and haven't had time to try it out on myself.  That's where Molls came in!  As most know, her head is usually full of curl; ringlets to be exact!  She was unrecognizable by her teachers at school that morning.

Momma's gonna have SO much fun with this hair!!  Our beauty<3

Saturday, November 13

Doughnie Saturday

A regular occurrence at the Young house, but this was extra special because it was Miley's FIRST experience:)  She didn't eat that whole thing, probably a quarter of it.  So fun to have her be a part of it now!

Wednesday, November 3

Happy Halloween

These costumes couldn't be more fitting for my kiddos:)  Ideally, I would have loved for Miley to be part of the 'theme,' but my creativity was lost:(  So, we opted for the hand-me-down giraffe costume!  Maybe I'll be more on the ball next year.

Little Luigi

Hungry giraffe

Super Mario

What a team!

Tuesday, November 2

Road Tripping

Last weekend, we had the little sisters stay with us while my parents went out-of-town.  On Friday, Max didn't have school and I didn't have my daycare buddy.  So, I decided to make a last minute trip (with 5 kids, by myself) to eastern Iowa to my grandparent's.  My brothers were already there because that's where they were staying while my parents were gone. 

The kids had a BLAST!  We even got to celebrate with Grandma Connie on her birthday<3

The carload

Uncle Joey is pulling the wagon with the bike:)  
This was most of the entertainment for the weekend!

Basement treasures

The farm
(notice the wagon pulling in the background!)

Sweet potato picking time

Livvi's new friend

Loving getting dirty

Molls wanted to hold the caterpillar

The crew livin' the farm life!

Bonding with Gramps and the pup

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa, for letting us barge in on you<3