Monday, June 27

Slumber Party

A couple of months ago, Max asked if we could have a slumber party in mom and dad's room!  Mike was scheduled to be out of town right after Molli's birthday, so I told him we'd do it then.  Before bed one night, we laid and talked about all of the things we'd get at the store: popcorn, m&m's, cookies, and candy.  We also discussed what we would DO at our slumber party: watch a movie, eat in bed, read books, and stay up late!

Since that conversation, we got rid of the TV in our bedroom and moved, so we relocated our slumber party to the family room!  The day of our slumber party finally arrived.  We had two more guests, which made it more of a party!!  Our nephew Conor and my brother Charlie (15 year olds!)  were staying over for the night.  The whole crew went to the store and we got some chips, popcorn, and everyone each picked out some candy.  We stopped and got pizza before arriving home and starting our party!

We ate pizza on the floor in the living room and watched Home Alone 2.  We put on our PJ's and enjoyed some sweet delicious candy!  We put a hold on the popcorn and m&m's because we had too much 'junk' in our bellies already.  We played some Wii and watched a couple of kids shows and then it was time for the little ones to go to bed.  The big boys enjoyed a little Scary Movie 3 after the rest of us went to sleep!

Max is already trying to plan the next slumber party!

It's PIZZA time!

The 'big' boys

The infamous candy bowl

Max picked circus peanuts and Molli picked jelly beans

The kids couldn't stray too far from the candy bowl!

Goofy Unca Chuck

Elliot the puppy (not ours-dog sitting!) didn't want to miss out either!


Tuesday, June 21

Sissy is 4!!!!!

Our Molli-magoo turned 4 last week!!  So funny, someone recently asked her how old she was and she almost said 3!!  We are all trying to get used to the fact that she's 4 now:)  It's often said, kids get too big too fast!!

Molli had such a busy day on her birthday.  After we dropped off brother Max at Safety Town, we went to our new library for the first time.  She picked out some princess books, of course.  Then, mommy was busy making cupcakes and pasta salad for the party later!  After we picked-up Max, we played at the park for a little bit and then stopped at McDonald's for a special birthday lunch!!  We had to be out of the house for the day (because a sump pump was being installed in our basement - another story for another time!), so we took our lunch over to Nanie's house.  During lunch, Nanie came up with a grand idea - to walk to the ice cream store!!  So Nanie, Max, and Molli set off for their long walk to Snookies for yet another birthday treat:)  Mommy stayed behind while Miley napped!  That night, we had mommy's side of the family over for a cookout!  Man, mommy's exhausted just typing this all out!

It was such a special day for our 4 year old 'princess'!

Saturday, June 4

Moving Day

Well, we finally did it!!  We have moved into a more spacious house for our family:)

The move started last weekend and we had SO MUCH HELP!!  I have the best family in the world - LOVE them!  It was a rainy day, so that stunk.  But because we had so much help, the move didn't last too long.  The 'guys' helped load and unload the moving truck and cars, and the 'ladies' helped clean the old place and put together the new place!!  Brother Bill documented the day's events:

The damn bus!  Almost left it at the old house - what a chore to get it out!

And she's EMPTY!

The guys are calling it 'quits'

WELCOME to our new home!  Come on in!

Living Room

Sun Room


Molli's Room

Max's Room
Buddy Lee (Mike's Dad) - Professional Blind Installer

Miley's Room

Basement Play Room
Oh, if only the basement could be this clean all of the time:)

As soon as I feel more 'settled', I'll give a photo grand tour of the house, furnished!  Or, better yet, come and visit us!!!