Tuesday, June 21

Sissy is 4!!!!!

Our Molli-magoo turned 4 last week!!  So funny, someone recently asked her how old she was and she almost said 3!!  We are all trying to get used to the fact that she's 4 now:)  It's often said, kids get too big too fast!!

Molli had such a busy day on her birthday.  After we dropped off brother Max at Safety Town, we went to our new library for the first time.  She picked out some princess books, of course.  Then, mommy was busy making cupcakes and pasta salad for the party later!  After we picked-up Max, we played at the park for a little bit and then stopped at McDonald's for a special birthday lunch!!  We had to be out of the house for the day (because a sump pump was being installed in our basement - another story for another time!), so we took our lunch over to Nanie's house.  During lunch, Nanie came up with a grand idea - to walk to the ice cream store!!  So Nanie, Max, and Molli set off for their long walk to Snookies for yet another birthday treat:)  Mommy stayed behind while Miley napped!  That night, we had mommy's side of the family over for a cookout!  Man, mommy's exhausted just typing this all out!

It was such a special day for our 4 year old 'princess'!

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