Saturday, October 9

Our Mini m&m's

The trademark of our family is that we all have the same initials: MMY.  Hence, the reason for the title of the blog (if you didn't already know!).  When Mike and I went to Las Vegas, we thought it would be appropriate to get the kids each an m&m shirt at the m&m store on the strip!  The only "girl" m&m is the green one, so we got that color for the girls.  Max got a blue one, mostly just because it's a boy color!  Mike and I contemplated getting a shirt for each of us, but decided we'd probably NEVER wear them.  It would have been a cool picture though, each of us a different color of m&m!  We'll have to settle for pics of just the kiddos!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go back to Vegas and get Mike and yourself those damn shirts and take the damn picture...