Monday, February 7

First Haircut

Miss Miley was born with quite a bit of hair.  And almost since the beginning, it has always been in her face.  We are always trying to brush it to the side, to get it out of her eyes.  I've tried to put bows in, but her hair is still too fine for them to stay put.  The other option is to pull her hair into a ponytail on top of her head.  As cute as that looks, it's a struggle to try to do that with an almost 1 year old on a daily basis.  So......Nanie suggested cutting her hair!  This wasn't a hard decision for me, or a sad one.  Let's do it!!!

Getting in the 'kids haircut chair' in Nanie's Salon

Notice the hair swept off to the side (reason for haircut!)

Getting ready to snip

And....snip, snip, snip

Pretty girl with bangs<3

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