Wednesday, September 28

A first in our house

All of the kiddos LOVE to color.  But none have done anything like this in our house, until now.  Miss Miley took it upon herself to add some color to the walls in the kitchen!  I guess she's not the only one who's tired of the boring color:)  I happened to be right outside those windows, cleaning them when she did this.  I had no idea what she was up to.  GAH!  I was set to have a clothing party that night with many guests and was freaking out, thinking I'd have to get one of my sample paint cans out and paint the whole wall.  I tried a little water and paper towel first and:

VOILA!!!!  It came off beautifully!  There is still a 'hint' of blue on the wall, but you really have to search for it to see it.  No worries, because someday soon those walls will be painted!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Have you tried Mr. Clean Magic Eraser? We have a color station at work and those things seem to work pretty well on removing crayon.