Saturday, September 10

Molli Magoo's Turn start school!!

Molli just completed her first week of 4 year old preschool at Sacred Heart.  She was more than ready to get into the classroom, especially since her brother had already been going for almost two weeks!  With the Labor Day holiday on Monday, Molls only had three days of school this week.  She was pretty sad about that.  Typically she will be at school four mornings a week.  She gets to ride to school with Max and Dad because she starts shortly after Max, and she's loving that!  Molli has the same teacher and classroom that Max had last year, so she's very familiar with her surroundings and what she will be doing during the school year.

Where are my 'little' kiddos going?!

1 comment:

Grammie said...

What a BIG little girl. She will be running the class shortly. I Love you all!!!!!!