Friday, February 11

She's ONE!!!!!!

Our baby girl turned ONE yesterday!

I was reminiscing all day about what I was doing a year ago, in my hospital room.  She has been such a joyous addition to our family.  She seems like a big girl now.  I am realizing that soon we will no longer have any 'babies' in our house.  It makes me a little sad:(  Anyway, we are still so excited that Miley has reached this wonderful milestone.  Here's what she's up to these days:

Weight: 18 lbs. 6 oz. (11%)
*She is very low in percentile here.  We have to start 'beefing' her up with 8 oz. bottles of formula before bed, so it's not 'good-bye' to formula and bottles just yet for us:(
Height: 28 1/4 in. (24%)
Head Circumference: 18 in. (70%)

Fun Facts
~trying to start 'running' - she loves to be chased
~interested in shows on t.v. - favs include Dora, Diego, Fresh Beat Band, Bubble Guppies, and her music dvd's
~no more jar food, strictly table foods
~we were transitioning to drinking strictly from a sippy cup, but now we are doing 1 sippy cup, 2 bottles of milk/formula a day, until we get that weight up!
~sleeping through the night (majority of the time!)
~starting to transition to 1 nap a day (doesn't it seem a little early for that?!?!)
~says d-d-d-d-d-d-dora, hi, who's that?, dada (which translates into several things: dada, papa, bottle)
~loves to watch out the front window when people leave - the goodbye wave usually comes after the people are out of sight!
~has the girl attitude already when she doesn't get her way - screams, throws her head back, lays on the floor and kicks her feet
~enjoys sitting by herself, looking at books and loves to be read to
~could chew on toothbrushes all day long (never her own of course!)

I could probably go on and on!  You'll just have to come see her sometime to experience the big girl she's becoming!

Her birthday celebration was small and intimate, just the 5 of us!

(so thirsty after all that cake!)

SO GLAD I didn't make a very colorful cake!  Miley didn't have to get in the tub when she was finished.  Just a sweep up of the crumbs and a wipe of the face and hands, and that was clean-up!

Happy Birthday sweet baby girl!!


Jill said...

So cute! I love the heart cake AND cupcakes. Perfect. What a great way to celebrate your little girl with your family.

Unca Bill said...

Don't you mean she's "reached a wonderful Miley-stone"? ...the party looks like it was a blast...